Monday, December 14, 2009


The African Group attaches the draft negotiating

It 's a tough attack on the President and the proofs Hedeggard presented, that supported this morning by the African group, which defined the word as a confirmation of the will to destroy the Kyoto Protocol. "Just look - said representatives of dellegazione Africa - the program now where are the topics of discussion. It seems that these have already been discussed, but by whom? It 's a process carried out without a proper comparison. If even the protocol Kyoya took seven years to take effect, putting together a new agreement that will serve many more years to become effective?. "For the African countries does not go down the decision of the developed countries to propose a new agreement." In this way - they say - it upsets the Bali Action Plan. "Great support they have received the words of the delegates from other African countries in the hall. Many are anxious to stress that this is the position of Africa, united and everyone is here to enforce their ideas of good negotiators and their ministers, who are not willing to give in to blackmail rich countries.


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