After the continuous shooting and suspension of meetings this afternoon, the President of COP was taken directly from the Danish Prime Minister Rasmussen has taken the place of Ms. Heddeggard. This rotation has helped to strengthen the minds of the delegates from China, India and Brazil who continued to seek clarification from the conduct during the summit in recent days and the absence delo negotiated text until then under the AWG-LCA . The Danish draft continues to circulate and sudden change of presidency were not welcomed. The COP-AWG resumed after more than two hours sleep in the early afternoon, before being suspended again a few minutes ago. The situation on the front of the Ad hoc working groups becomes very complicated and could fail to see the attempt to present a single document, the result of an agreement for the Summit of Heads of Government, 18.
Meanwhile, several prime ministers are alternating with their preliminary talks. Much applause (almost two minutes) received the Swedish minister, the representative in charge of the EU, which drew all to achieve the objectives and implementation of a treaty to save the planet. The EU representative drew all parties to act effectively as did Europe with contributions of 7.2 billion to developing countries, the reduction target of 30% in 2020 (compared to 1990) and policies for mitigation and adaptation. The Senegalese Premier
was warmly applauded for his impassioned plea to take care of the Earth and of the poorest people who live and are most affected by climate change.
Ovations for Evo Morales, who with his usual charisma Latin American spoke for nearly half an hour citing sentences of Christ, Marx, the French philosophers and South America. He then accused Obama big decision does not deserve the Nobel Prize for sending more troops in Afghanistan and ruled: "If the climate were a bank, they would have already saved. "
awaited the resumption of the AWG-LCA, which could continue working to reach a final draft until late at night, before the last two days of intense negotiations.
To the streets of Copenhagen there were new demonstrations by activists detained by the police as they tried to block the access of Ministers at the Bella Center (also stop the Italian Minister Prestigiacomo). Even during the COP of this morning, two activists entered classroom eluding security and sang songs calling for "climate justice" and received applause from many delegates (some TVs have, however, distorted the news by passing it as an invasion violent and harmful to the summit that the two activists!).
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