Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How To Reduce Redness In Arm

late to start - Information to see what happens and what will be discussed

Late COP scheduled to begin today with the heads of state. A bit 'was to be expected, since the meeting of the AWG-LCA began yesterday ended at 4 o'clock this morning, with many delegations still concerned about the lack of agreement on the text to be submitted. The Chair of the AWG-LCA (on long-term cooperation) yesterday, said that a new paragraph by countries with economies in transition has been added to the first draft of the text and left the U.S. to comment on them. The United States in emrito mitigation by developed countries, required to include in brackets the aggregate share of emissions reduction and to place (always in brackets) the X option and a note telling you that X is "equal to sum of the reductions of the parties. " Furthermore, the U.S. stressed the need for formulating a new agreement that is substantially different from the Kyoto Protocol, designed with a bottom-up and improved in-house. On mitigation by developing countries in the U.S. have proposed to include the entire paragraph in square brackets, as "Option 1". They also requested the inclusion of an 'Option 2 "that consists in" alternative suggested by the Parties "evidenziado that this clearly demonstrates a different way to think about these problems and the need for a fundamental review".
Sudan, on behalf of G77/Cina suggested to include in brackets the part of the financial mechanisms, particularly on the short-term aid from developed countries. The Chair concluded by saying that the parties could continue the discussion at COP .

The Chair then, in the afternoon, presented a series of new texts, including the updated version of the document to be submitted to the COP, it includes aspects such as mechanisms for national mitigation actions (NAMAS), income-plus, many expect to improve mitigation measures and concrete actions in agriculture and industry.

The EU has asked, however, why the document fails to indicate when defining the limits of the commitments to reduce emissions, saying that "the intent of the text must not be to place mecchanismi here and there but to identify the time constraints and legal games. "

The Chair, after many speeches of the delegates, annoyed replied that "we had two years to improve the text, now it is time to end" and urged the parties to put their comments to the COP.

The AWG-KP (on the development of the Kyoto Protocol) ended early yesterday morning, but with absolute concern by many delegates to the lack of key issues in the text. India, China and G77 have asked to continue work on the text in parallel to the COP scheduled for today.

remain so many problems to solve: the rich countries' commitments on the reduction to 1.5 C or 2C, and 350 ppm or 450pm CO2eq.; Financial commitments to developing countries, and the role emerging countries (China, Brazil and India, all); formulation of a new treaty (with the inclusion of reduction commitments for developing countries), improvement of the Kyoto Protocol (with binding commitments only for Developed Countries) or indeed, two parallel texts (one until 2012 and the other for the post 2012).

Of all the COP will handle high level with the Presidents and Prime Ministers, from today until Friday, unless, having regard to the course, decide to discuss beginning your (at 11, yet few delegated in the classroom). The world looks on with great concern, and perhaps already a bit 'angry!

summaries and insights by Robert Cazzolla


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