Saturday, December 19, 2009

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Here are the details of the Copenhagen agreement. But not everyone is willing to sign

While discussions continue in the plenary hall of the Bella Center, where poor countries are expressing their disappointment at the outcome of the summit, you will discover the details of the Agreement.
The first point is a maximum of 2 ° C reduction of rising global average temperatures and a revision in 2016 to a possible limit to 1.5 ° C. On the financial commitment for developed countries to contribute 30 billion dollars to developing countries for adaptation measures in the period 2010-2012. With the commitment of a contribution of $ 100 billion in 2020. The commitment for developed countries to reduce emissions by 80% in 2050, while the short-term liabilities Sarnano subsequently established. Appropriate measures for mitigation will be subject to international control and mitigation measures will be reported on every two years.

A good starting point if you plan legal action and disciplinary constraints. Instead, in the form of "note the agreement in Copenhagen" (a phrase which has concluded the negotiation of the COP), loses its importance.
are still ongoing statements by some delegates, to say the least angry. " According to the NGOs is a failure. The EU defines the entire agreement can be taken to Copenaghe though much below the initial expectations. The Secretary of the UNFCCC Yvo de Boer, called it a small step forward even if, he asks, how many developing countries will be willing to sign this agreement bland?


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