Grande bagarre this morning. The order of the meetings has been reversed to the amazement of the delegates. It 'began before the COP to discuss the text of the AWG-KP, than expected (it was expected to debate the text of the AWG-LCA). However, during the discussion of developments in the Kyoto Protocol (KP) Brazil took the floor to say he was not allowed its delegates to attend the meeting. The Chair responded that the problem would be resolved soon. TUVALU said its negative view on the text that lacks legal references and thunderstorms. Senegal and Algeria have proposed the adoption of two separate texts. The Chair has therefore had to suspend the debate to resume at 11:45. Meanwhile, however, began the discussion of the COP of the Heads of State, without, however, these have got to intervene because India, China, Brazil and many countries of the G77 have been brought to the attention of the President of the COP / MOP the fact that was canceled a meeting of the AWG-LCA and no one was informed that the text that was proposed to discuss has nothing to do with that discussed until the early morning hours of today by the parties. They all countries of the G77, showed that this is not a democratic and transparent process and that it is want to change the cards on the table discussing a text that has not been negotiated.
The President has repeatedly stated that the discussion had to postpone it to about 13 during the new session of the COP in relation AWG-LCA, but many delegates continuatom to reiterate that this was scandalous and unthinkable in a summit this type. The proposed text is that of Denmark (strongly pushed by the U.S., and supported by the Maldives who hope for an agreement, however, face additional risks because of all) and not negotiated until the early hours of the morning delegates. From this, of course, is the sort context.
Subsequently, the Chair ruled to 13 to discuss and to allow presidents to speak.
E ', then, the Danish version still putting at risk the whole summit. Developing countries do not fit, while acknowledging their good intentions to reach an agreement, but provided that you comply with the decisions and there is transparency in the negotiations. Aspect that, until now, there seems to be the state.
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