Thursday, January 29, 2009

Do The 2nd Cervical Caner Jabs Hurt is the new online , one of the first sites to talk about wine online intends in a completely new look.

details here
New TigullioVino - Filippo Ronco

TigullioVino and here is dead. TigullioVino Viva! - Wino

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Vodafone Prepaid Sim Offers India

Italian Wine List: 2.0 guide of Italian wines

Birth of a new social network dedicated to Italian Wine: Italian Wine List the "Guide 2.0" of Italian wines worldwide, available in English and Italian.
What's in this social network?
Well, over 50 000 wines from over 4000 manufacturers, including average ratings of national and international guides.
By registering you can also comment and rate a wine. You can have
mark your diary to taste he shares with his community.
There is also a guide and a wiki space to report on public events like wine tastings, exhibitions, ...
You can also share on Facebook wines, producers and events and more. More info on

Italian Wine List, the new social network of Italian wine - Vino24

Monday, January 26, 2009

Wedding Invitation Kavithai

The ranking of the best web sites wine seconds.

Quintomiglio (Wino) analyze two Italian sites included in this year's ranking best web sites wine second :

Standings web

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Terrasil In South Africa

Gaja vs. Bloggers Live

Chronicle live (to see her again just click "replay") of the meeting between Wine Gaja and bloggers.
Edited by Antonio Tombolini.
Gaja vs bloggers live coverage! - Simplicissimus

Best Upconvert Dvd Player 2010

Santa Margherita: In an online survey

For the redesign of the packaging Cuvée Rosé IGT Veneto , rather than leaving things to be solely responsible for marketing the choice of color for the new look of the bottle, patrons are asked to the site to express an opinion by voting in 3 simple suggestions.

The survey has the clothes of the game, of course, but a serious game, you can express your preference only once, so watch out for rethinking post-vote.

Vinopigro: Santa Margherita launches an online survey

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Naughty Wedding Invitation Wording For Friends

Videos Caorsi Paul: What's 'Behind a Bottle of Wine

The winemaker Paul Caorsi It is intended for Conscious Consumers For Advice on Purchasing: What's behind A bottle of wine?

Source: Vinix

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fiire Drill Do Not Panic

' s eBook VinoPR explains how the internet is changing the wine marketing and PR Online

From this Tweet on Twitter I heard a few minutes ago the release of an ebook by VinoPR the relationship between the Internet and wine, very interesting!

E 'released with a Creative Commons license and is in SlideShare , so you can "embed" even in your blog as I did:

VinoPR waiting for your feedback here:
How internet is changing the wine marketing and PR Online, the eBook: Vino24

How To Make Woolen Shawl

Wine, as will be the year the wine shop says the satellite

"Who knows that someone in Mountain View is not the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping a new application called Google Wine ... "

wine, as will be the year? He tells the satellite / Mytech

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Breast Size Of Countries

Diary: Communicating tired

"the nice Caorsi Paul Hill of the Sun: one day he took the camera, hath been logged on Youtube, and began to tell a bit 'self." ...

Source Diary wine shop: Communicating tired

Street Race Syndicate Kye

European Wine Blogger Conference in Italy

The second edition of ' European Wine Blogger Conference will be held in Italy.

This time, instead of only to the elect of visitors' Open Wine Consortium, the invitation is extended to all wine bloggers of good will, Italians and Europeans.

Source: Vinopigro: European Wine Blogger Conference: meeting in Italy