Thursday, December 21, 2006

Axford Pocket Dictionary Registry


now, to be cool , must be web2.0, in any industry, and the wine is no exception.

But he must do exactly one wine producer to be web2.0?!

E 'sufficient blogging or you're forced to open the virtual version of his own vineyard in Second Life ?

In fact, when you define something as "Web 2.0" is done more often refer to the fact that the site / community / blog / etc is created also and especially with user contributions, so that all become effects of co-authors, by providing content of all types: text, photos, videos, etc..
striking example of web2.0 services are Wikipedia, YouTube , Flickr, etc..
More generally, web2.0 is anything that allows a person to express whatever it wishes, sharing it with the world, without the need to be a journalist nor to know how to create a site. In practice, web2.0, for example, blogs and blogging, just for the fact that the contents are to be generated from the bottom up, from the myriad of Time for ordinary people who are "Man of the Year 2006 ", ie you, me, all of us.

In this sense then, the actual producer web2.0 is not the company, already existing and proven in the real world, he also discovered that at some blogs or Second Life or social network.

No. The real producer web2.0 ... YOU!

Whoever you are, clerk, manager or hairdresser for some time now have the option to make your own wine in the hills of California without ever having set foot there.

As just a PC and an Internet connection, is as easy as blogging.

The good news, reported by Fortune few days ago, in a nutshell is this:
Crushpad , California winery, has launched an online initiative that eliminating the physical barrier, allows anyone, eno -lovers, wine experts and wine and trendy, to produce fine wines Americans directing operations via web from anywhere in the world.

Designers start with a fact: the dreams of American leaders, making wine is in second place, according to the findings of a 'survey of Business Week. Crushpad, as well as buy the grapes, then provides all other services for the production of wine to anyone who wants to experiment with this activity.

How it works?

The first step that will take you to be a winemaker web2.0 involves entering the site and answer a question thirty essential to support the winemaking process from a distance. Decisions to be taken are thirty, all crucial, including: quality of wine, choice of the vineyard, how we collect, fermentation temperature, aging time and type of filling.
To follow every aspect and be sure of what you're doing, you can monitor in real time, each of these steps through a system of webcam. E 'key - recommends Crushpad - that any cyber-wine-maker will regularly monitor all stages of the process, dall'approntamento vineyards, the grape harvest to bottling. Crushpad

But not only this, it is also a social network , complete with enoWiki , forums, personal blogs and groups Discussion . The site also offers fact a "private discussion room" where customers can interact, exchanging information and making friends.

Each customer will have to 'produce' at least 220 liters of wine (in practice, a small barrel).

The charges and prices vary depending on the level of participation chosen at registration and vineyards where it was decided to produce.

In conclusion, with a figure somewhere between 3900 and 5900 U.S. dollars, you take off the whim to make your own wine in California, and at the end of the process (and of the aging period) will be delivered to your home bottles.

In short, it is possible that a few years these days Time titles "The winemaker of the year is YOU."


11 December 2006
In Vino Profitas (pdf)

Several YouTube videos on Crushpad

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Deleted U-verse Dvr Recordings

Virtual Wine 2.0 Event - November 30, 2006 - Capozzi Virtual Island in Second Life

in recent days on several blogs dedicated to American wine, is this initiative that bounced in my turn around you: the idea is to meet to talk about the so-called Wine 2.0, a phenomenon that has them is booming, and, as is easily understood, involves the application of all that Web 2.0 is the world of wine.

The invitation is open to anyone, anywhere in the world, and for any reason, is interested in wine and willing to deal with others on Wine 2.0.
The common denominator of the various post is left on the approach, typically American, the phenomenon: "ask not what Web 2.0 can do for you but what you can do for the Web 2.0."

The appointment was set for November 30 at Capozzi Winery, California winery, but in reality it is not necessary to go to California.

What is it exactly?
The event itself is just one of those conventions that are also organized by us from people we share a common interest, in this case, the wine, and that they initially met online.

The real news about the place, or rather the non- place where you will play.

Capozzi Island is in fact a virtual island, owned by California Capozzi Winery, which had the ' idea of \u200b\u200busing Second Life to create a virtual version of your estate.
goes without saying that in a virtual location, participants will in turn virtual into practice, who joins the This will be through an avatar, a virtual alter ego that anyone can create once registered. For

learn more about Second Life , and the implications and possible synergies with the real world, click here , here, and here that I will explain much better than I could do . E 'recently also released a guide to Second Life .

Now a half million people all over the world enjoy every day to wander around and perform the most varied activities in the virtual world of Second Life that, technically, is a MMORPG (online roleplaying game) , but, apparently, the smartest have already sensed that can be a lot more, and they then get married in Second Life to better understand the opportunities it offers, explore new ways to interact and innovative strategies for doing business in the virtual and / or to support its existing business in the real world.

In Second Life, Reuters has already sent its own, and just recently he has indicated that the Big Brother Island seeking 15 people for the first virtual edition of Big Brother ; American universities Harvard and Yale are themselves already, and some cases have started courses open to all.

In Italy, Fabrizio Pivari has a blog on Second Life where reported his findings and thoughts on everything that goes experiencing. Its also this interesting article on Second Life and advertising.

Returning to bomb, here is the link for those who would like more info on Virtual Wine 2.0 Event , but here it makes the point on Wine 2.0. Click here instead
to be beamed directly to the Capozzi Island (you must first have registered and have installed Second Life, what you can do, free from

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Tamil Actress Biggest Boobs

a Feed Tasting

all the wine in an aggregate is an RSS Feed obtained by mixing different feeds for blogs, forums and sites of vinosfera:

in one digest at a glance and in real time have an overview of most recent posts.

For the moment, in all the wine in a feed are the following blogs:
Lifestyle - Food and Wine, wine shop Diary, Wino, bottled, Aristide - Blog Travel in the wine, the blog of Restaurateurs, The blog of wine producers, Weblog (Beta), Luciano Pignataro Wineblog, travel notes, wine & food, Food & Wine - Reviews, The Numbers of Wine, LavBlog, Wine Marketing, Simplicissimus Mondosapore / Terry Hughes, Poggioargentiera's Blog, Blog Sensory, Sensory Blog - Comments,, Tirebouchon, Vino al Vino, - \u200b\u200bBlog, Winelovers, Winelovers - Comments, Maisazi, - the wine is said, - \u200b\u200bcomments Acquabblog, CastellariBergaglio Blogs, News from the world of wine and food - Bortone Nurseries WBA - Wine Blog Association, Alice and wine - the female perspective, women and wine, The Organic Wine, Bread and Clouds, Pecoranera Blog.
You can see all the wine in a feed in various ways :

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